Diploma in Food Safety and Quality Assurance

Duration: One Year
Eligibility: Plus Two

Master of Hospital Administration

Duration: One Year
Eligibility: Plus Two

Diploma in Hotel Managment

Duration: One Year
Eligibility: Degree (Science)

MSC Food Technology

Duration: Two Year
Eligibility: Degree (Science)
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Fostac Education (OPC) Pvt Ltd

Welcome to the WISESTEPS Executive Education.

WISESTEPS Executive Education, operated by FOSTAC Education (OPC) Pvt. Ltd, is a registered educational institution accredited with ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 21000 :2018 certifications.

WISESTEPS Executive Education, true to its name, focuses on providing vocational education that equips students with the necessary skills to make wise choices for their future. In addition to delivering high-quality education, WISESTEPS Executive Education also strives to bridge the gap between education and employment by offering valuable skills, job training, and internships to ensure that every student can secure employment right after completing their studies.


Scope in the food industry both in India & abroad

The scope of the food industry varies from country to country, depending on factors such as population size, cultural preferences, economic development, and consumer behavior. It’s important to note that the scope of the food industry in India and abroad is influenced by various factors such as local regulations, cultural preferences, and market dynamics. Each country offers unique opportunities and challenges for businesses and professionals operating in the food industry. 

Wisesteps Faculty of Food Technology

Our approach is to pave the way for the best professionals.


Can be obtained by those working in the food sector, institutions, and other students


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Job Trainings

Anyone who wants to work in the field of food technology can approach.
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Our Certificates

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    Admission for 2024-25 batch of food technology courses has started

    All the said courses affiliated to University of Technology are recognized by UGC.  Apart from on-going courses, there is also an opportunity to study online.  On-line classes are useful for those who are currently working.

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    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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    Melbourne, Australia
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