About us

About us

Building Trust Through Excellence.

WISESTEPS Executive Education, operated by FOSTAC Education (OPC) Pvt. Ltd, is a registered educational institution accredited with ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 21000 :2018 certifications.

WISESTEPS Executive Education, true to its name, focuses on providing vocational education that equips students with the necessary skills to make wise choices for their future. In addition to delivering high-quality education, WISESTEPS Executive Education also strives to bridge the gap between education and employment by offering valuable skills, job training, and internships to ensure that every student can secure employment right after completing their studies.

WISESTEPS Executive Education’s commitment to education is evident in its recent emphasis on three crucial areas that guarantee job prospects worldwide. The inclusion of the Faculty of Food Technology, Faculty of Hospital Administration and School of Hotel Management showcases the institution’s dedication to providing exceptional career opportunities. Individuals who have completed their plus two education or obtained degrees can opt for Diploma, Degree, PG Diploma, or Master’s Degree programs in any of these three subjects to enhance their career prospects


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Recognizing this need of the new era, WISESTEPS Faculty of Food Technology program now offers four diverse courses to secure your future. Namely Diploma in Food Processing Technology, Diploma in Food Safety & Quality Assurance, PG Diploma in Food Safety & Quality Assurance and MSc in Food Technology. The courses are affiliated to University of Technology (Rajasthan).

WISESTEPS Executive Education is giving special attention to preparing online learning system for all regular courses for those who want to continue their studies while working.

FSSAI – FoSTaC Training & Certification and HACCP Level 3 Certification, which are very helpful in getting a job in the food sector, has been prepared to ensure the students of WISESTEPS have a complimentary system.

The course program will include internship, job training and placement support. Also, our placement cell will be responsible for providing you with local and abroad job opportunities in this field in a timely manner.

Get ready for a smart move in your career. Our food technology programs will elevate you to a new role.

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-Providing a solid educational experience through the diffusion and integration of knowledge of Food Technology, and services to food industries

-Educating students from a diverse background in the fundamental skills, knowledge and practice of Food Technology in order to prepare them for a position in global industries and continue for advanced degrees in Food Technology or related disciplines.


-Achieves academic excellence

-Develops a social conscience.

-To develop technically sound food technologists, to cater to the needs of food processing industries, Research & Development organizations, and society.

A Team Driven by Passion, Bound by Success

 Realizing the need of the new age, our Faculty of Food Technology program offers a range of courses like Diploma in Food Processing Technology, PG Diploma in Food Safety & Quality Assurance and M Sc in Food Technology to secure your future.

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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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