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WISESTEPS Executive Education’s Internship Program is designed to provide industrial exposure to food science and technology with the intention of providing industry unique opportunities to the students.  The institution is committed to making internships, which are practical work-placement programs, available to all students.

The aim is to enable students through the internship to develop skills to gain meaningful employment and then help them build careers and brighten their future.  WISESTEPS Executive Education coordinates internship programs by connecting students with various host organizations for that purpose.

The food technology industry affects all aspects of food science, related to production processes from farms to supermarkets, and how food is made to consumers and businesses.  Food technologist plays an important role in our daily life; they put their efforts in food research and development activities to ensure the safety and quality of all food products before they are presented to the public.

An internship work placement through host organizations helps students integrate their university studies and further apply their knowledge in all stages of food production, from harvesting raw materials to reaching consumers. The work experience will provide students with practical training and serve as a window of opportunity to look into their future careers in food science and technology.

Students will be guided by industry experts and later get the exposure they value.  A work placement experience can help students find their ideal niche within the industry.  Depending on the area of ​​business involved, students can undertake various roles and responsibilities as follows…

Practical understanding of physical, microbiological and chemical makeup of food

Develop ways to process, preserve, package or store food

Manufacturing in accordance with industry and government specifications and regulations

Food production, processing and distribution

Improve manufacturing methods through conservation, storage and new product development.

Observe food scientists in increasing the nutritional value of foods

Examine optimization of food quality, quantity and processing, food safety and nutritional value

The experience gained through internship placement enables students to prepare themselves for future work in the respective disciplines.

Technological and scientific food manufacturing industries

Dairy Technology

Bakery & Confectionery

Fish & Seafood Processing 

Food chemistry

Food Microbiology

Food Technology and Sensory Science.


By pursuing a career as a food technologist, you can make a major contribution to a growing economy and all aspects of modern life.  The food industry is one of our largest manufacturing industries with a continuous demand for qualified candidates.  It opens up new career paths every day.

Process and Product development

Production Management

Quality Assurance

Research and development

Technical sales etc. are just some of the opportunities.

We wish every student an opportunity to seek heights in their career.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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