Job Training



Mode of Training : Online & Offline

Certifications : 

1.HACCP Level – 3

2.FSSAI – Food safety supervisor Advanced Manufacturing

3.FSSAI – Food safety supervisor Advanced Catering

4.Experience Certificate

5.Certificate in Food Safety & Quality Assurance 

These Certifications help the students get a full awareness of the various jobs in the food industry.This would make their jobhunt easy.

Students pursuing Degree/PG in Dairy Technology , Food Processing Technology, Food Technology, Food Science, Biotechnology, Chemistry, microbiology, Agriculture /Any other course in same line/Job aspirants in Food industries ,working people etc. can apply

To help the food industry operate effectively, we have created a regulatory compliance training program to teach you about safety procedures, workplace policies and regulatory standards and help you train your teams.  This program is designed to protect your business from liability and legal action while creating a supportive workplace environment for  employees.

Training Compliance Management is the process of managing or tracking the various training modules that companies require to ensure that all employees are trained in their area of work, understand the company’s processes, and comply with various regulations mandated by OSHA, ISO, or the FDA.

To create the most comprehensive program you can, start by thinking about the different kinds of risk your organization is exposed to, and how training could help minimize that risk.

The important topics included in the training are brought to your attention –

Food Business Regulatory Compliance

International Food Control System/Laws & Regulations

Food Safety Management System

Food Safety & Standards food recall Procedures

Food Safety & Standards Fortification of Foods

Food Safety & Standards Organic Foods

Food Safety & Standards Labeling , Advertising & Claims

Food Safety Standards & Food Safety Auditing

Food Packaging ( Packaging Regulation )

Legal Metrology Act & Rules

Food Safety & Standards Act,2006

Laboratory sampling and analysis Regulation

Create a culture of honesty and safety with regulatory compliance training programs

Regardless of the industry you work in, compliance training is not only important but also required. Organizations should make an effort to offer regulatory compliance training programs that are both informative and interesting. Having worthwhile and engaging training sessions will enhance employee knowledge, aid in long-term credibility protection, and increase the number of potential customers and employees.

Working people and college going students can also join our courses and avail of online classes as well

HACCP is a management system in which food safety is addressed through the analysis and control of biological, chemical, and physical hazards from raw material production, procurement and handling, to manufacturing, distribution and consumption of the finished product

It came into existence in the 1960s.  In recent years, HACCP has become the most commonly cited method for risk-based food safety management, incorporated into global standards such as the Global Food Safety Initiative.

Any organization involved in the food manufacturing-marketing-supply chain business has an obligation to further improve food safety and implement the principles suggested by HACCP certification.

Seven basic principles are employed in the development of HACCP plans that meet the stated goal. These principles include hazard analysis, CCP identification, establishing critical limits, monitoring procedures, corrective actions, verification procedures, and record-keeping and documentation.

Those who undergo Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) training will have a thorough understanding of food safety management.  Thus, the food safety procedures in workplaces will be able to be assessed, monitored, controlled and reviewed.

Our HACCP courses are designed to provide all the knowledge needed to train staff from Level 1 (an awareness), Level 2 (an understanding) to Level 3 (advanced), depending on their role within the business. HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) is the name given to a set of internationally adopted food standards and guidelines which aim to prevent, food hazards, or reduce them to an acceptable level.

The HACCP Level 4 for Management (CODEX Principles) is aimed at learners who are working at management level within food manufacturing and catering environments, quality assurance staff or members of the HACCP team.

This qualification would also be useful for trainers, auditors, enforcers and other food safety professionals.
The objective of the qualification is to provide learners with the knowledge needed to develop, Implement and evaluate CODEX-based HACCP food safety procedures.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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