Eligibility – Plus Two 

Duration – One Year

Food is an essential commodity in our lives, as we all need it to survive. For human beings to sustain, we need food. But what are the ways in which we can ensure that proper food is being given to both human beings and animals? The answer to this is Food Processing. When we think of food, the first thing that comes to our mind is whether it can be consumed directly or after processing. Not all foods are to be consumed directly- some need to be processed before consumption. Thus, food processing is a branch of food science where the students are taught to process raw materials and make them consumable by both humans and animals.

Food processing industry has very good job prospects in India and abroad. The curriculum covers skill components in different areas of food processing industry including baking industry, dairy industry, fruits and vegetables processing industry, meat, fish and poultry industry, alcoholic beverages and soft drink industry, spices and condiments industry, flavour industry, confectionery, quality control, Food packaging industry, food processing machinery designing and fabricating industry etc. and general component which include business management, marketing management, entrepreneurship development and project management.


After the completion of the Food Processing course, there is a huge opportunity in the food industry as people are looking for candidates who meet their requirements and are also well qualified. With an increase in the population and demand of the people, there is a high requirement for people in the food industry, to cater to these needs as per their demands. Everyone is aware that both quality and quantity are important. To ensure a sufficient quantity of food products, there is a need for more labour in the field. Some of the job profiles for food processing courses are mentioned below.


The bacteriologist monitors the ecology and reproduction of these organisms. They work closely with other scientists to conduct research and experiments.


The toxicologist studies the effect of chemicals on living organisms. When it comes to food items, they study the chemical effects on food.

Food Technologist

Food Technologist is the one who determines the quality of food.

Food Batch Makers

A food batch maker creates large batches of food products and generally works for manufacturing food.

Food Cooking Operators

Food cooking operators work towards preserving food items by checking the temperature, quality and processing of food.


There are few skill sets required for the candidates who aspire to have a profession in the field.The skills required for food processing course are mentioned below.

Advanced Mechanics – With the advancement of technology, mechanics have replaced traditional manufacturing. People who look for a profession in the food industry should have knowledge in facilities of design, lean manufacturing and work measurements.

Electronics – Labour shortage has been replaced with automation technology. Those who are into this field must know how the machine works and be efficient in the field.

Computation – This is another skill set required by you to be the best in the profession. Programming and writing applications that can manipulate the data and assist operations in the food industry are very important.

Communication – This is the most important skill set that is required for an aspiring candidate. This is because, even in the food industry, you must convey the best part of the food product both with the customer and the employer.

Safety – As per FSMA or Food Safety and Modernization Act, there need to be certain safety measures required for all the food products and people who are a part of the industry. 


The scope of food processing is vast compared to other courses.  The concept of food processing should be implemented while ensuring that nutrients are retained.  People who are well versed in the basics of food processing can apply for food processing related posts like canning, dairy, food processing, food packaging, frozen food/refrigeration and thermal processing.  Fruit and vegetable processing, fisheries, milk and dairy products, meat and poultry are some of the sub-sectors where you can look for work.  Jobs in food technology are directly related to agriculture and food production.  In this field, one can expect his or her annual salary of around 5 to 7 lakhs.


  • Fundamentals of food science
  • Food preservation
  • Food microbiology and Food chemistry
  • Bakery and Confectionery Technology
  • Fundamentals of nutrition
  • Food quality control and waste management
  • Food Quality Assurance and management
  • Food sanitation and Hygiene


View our 2023 Food processing technology course in detail & offer.

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