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Diploma in Food Safety & Quality Assurance – ABE

WISESTEPS Faculty of Food Technology has now launched a wide range of courses in Food Technology which provide maximum career opportunities in the new era. The reality is that with modern advancements in food technology, this sector is facing a shortage of professionals. This is the reason why the importance of food technology courses has increased.

Recognizing the need for vocational education in the new age, WISESTEPS Faculty of Food Technology offers an add-on course to all students. 

Diploma in Food Safety and Quality Assurance – ABE

Duration: One Year

Batch : Online / Regular / Part time

Certificate in Food Safety and Quality Assurance – ABE

Duration: 6 Months

Batch: Online / Regular / Part time

The program is approved with the American Board of Education.

The American Board of Education (ABE) is an organization established with the State of California (USA) to assess, qualify and certify educational institutions for professional development programs.  This opens up unlimited opportunities for students not only in the US but also globally.

We prepare an online study plan to help you complete the add-on course without disturbing regular courses.

Along with studying Food Safety & Quality Assurance course, we also provide opportunity to get FSSAI mandated Food Safety Supervisor Certification and High Field (UK) HACCP Level-3 Certification to get laudable employment.

Get in touch with our course coordinator immediately to know more about the said course which gives you the opportunity to get a job anywhere in the world.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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