Wisesteps Executive Education comprises a team of seasoned professionals, experts, and trailblazers with vast expertise in Shipping Line, Airline, Logistics, Ocean Freight, Supply Chain Management, Air Freight Forwarding, Warehousing, Port Operations etc.

Our School of Logistics & Supply Chain Management is now open for interested students to join the PG Diploma Program for Degree Qualifiers and Diploma in Shipping & Port Management for Plus Two Qualifiers for the coming academic year.

The PG Diploma Program is meticulously crafted to equip students with a thorough understanding of the intricate and ever-evolving realm of logistics & supply chain management. Covering a diverse array of subjects such as logistics management, supply chain management, materials and Inventory management, cargo management, warehousing, ICD and packaging, sourcing, procurement and purchasing, Iaw contracts and negotiation, global supply chain & international trade, Logistics and distribution management, the program emphasizes practical problem-solving, strategic thinking, and global awareness. By doing so, our PG Diploma program empowers students to confidently tackle the challenges encountered in the contemporary port and shipping industry.

Career Opportunities

Professionals holding a PGD in Logistics & Supply Chain Management have a wide array of career paths available to them in various organizations such as shipping companies, logistics firms, supply chain management companies, ports, and consultancy agencies specializing in logistics, supply chain management, and liner trade, among others.

Given the increasing number of opportunities in the field of port and shipping management, both government and private entities are actively seeking to recruit individuals with experience or fresh graduates in this area.

These job opportunities are predominantly located in coastal regions, both within India and abroad. Typically, positions begin at an entry-level role and progress to management positions. Employment opportunities can be found in both government and private sectors, including private shipping companies, freight departments, bulk carrier departments, and supply chain management firms.

PG Diploma in Logistics & Supply Chain Management

Eligibility: Degree (Any stream)

Duration: One Year (Two semesters)

Batch: Online & Offline



  • Introduction to logistics and SCM
  • Operations Strategy      
  • Materials and Inventory Management
  • Cargo/Freight Management     
  • Warehousing, ICD and Packaging     


Sourcing, Procurement and Purchasing       

  • Law contracts and negotiation 
  • Quality management in supply chain 
  • Global Supply Chain & International Trade 
  • Logistics and Distribution Management      


Diploma in Shipping and Port Management

Eligibility: Plus two

Duration: One Year

Batch: Online & Offline


  • Logistics Management
  • Shipping and Port Management
  • Foreign Trade Procedure and Documentation
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Inventory Management

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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