Eligibility – Degree (Science Stream)

Duration – 2 Year

Batch – Online & Offline

MSc in Food Technology is a two-year postgraduate course designed for the fundamental understanding of the production of food, its packaging and its hygiene. The course also introduces understanding nutrition constituents in different types of food.

MSc in Food Technology helps students explore the genetic structure of plants and crops and to find out alternative sources of nutrition required for the human body. It is an advanced course that finds its application in the agriculture sector, food manufacturing industries and food packaging companies. The course helps students explore the latest technologies and science to improvise the consumption, packaging, safety and hygiene of food items. Students with research skills and a desire to make a career in the field that involves the improvisation of food processing and production can opt for MSc Food Technology. Throughout the programme, students gain the knowledge associated with food science and technology. They get detailed knowledge about subjects, which they can apply at the professional level.

Food Technology post graduate degree programme produces professional with intellectual integrity, ethics of research, impact of research outcome on professional practices and responsibilities to contribute positively in the sustainable development of society.

After the successful completion of MSc Food Technology, candidates get employed in various prestigious positions like Food Technology Specialist, Food Packaging Manager, Brewer Manager, Food Production Manager, etc.


Here are some of the reasons to pursue MSc Food Technology:

As a growing field, the Indian Food Processing sector has experienced an average of 11.18% growth rate in the last five years. It is expected that in the next three to four years, this industry will flourish more. This clearly indicates that this sector will require trained and talented professionals in the future.

The Food Technology industry has a good scope for higher studies like PhD. Therefore, those who have dreamed of pursuing a research career in Food Technology can opt for the course. The course learning makes a good base for research studies.

The food industry is spread across the world. Hence, there are international job opportunities for students also.

With the rapid advancement of the industry, entry-level job positions are opening frequently. These jobs are chiefly offered in the marketing sections, logistics unit, quality assurance department, etc. After completing a Master’s in Food Technology, students can be hired in these posts.

The industry will stay forever and so will the job opportunities! This very fact ensures job security for future professionals.

The food industry is a vast field where everyday improvement is required in the manufacturing methods for the betterment of processing and preservation. MSc Food Technology course trains the minds for innovations.


The learning of M Sc Food Technology allows the candidates to work in laboratories, food processing organisations etc. To work in these organisations, aspirants require some essential skills in them. The following skills are must-haves for M Sc Food Technology students:

Basic Computer Knowledge

Problem-Solving Skills

Management Skills

Communication Skills


Semester 1
  • Food chemistry and nutrition
  • Food microbiology
  • Technology of Cereals, Legumes and Oil seeds
  • Fermented Foods and Beverages Technology
  • Professional Communication
Semester 2
  • Principles of Food Engineering
  • Technology of Milk and Milk Products
  • Fruit and Vegetable Processing & Preservation Techniques
  • Technology of Meat, Fish, Poultry & Their Products
  • Fundamentals on Computers &Office Automation
Semester 3
  • Food safety, Quality Control and Management Systems
  • Applied Statistics


  1. Technology of Spices, Condiments & Plantation Crops
  2. Technology of Sugar confectionery &Chocolate Processing


  1. Extrusion Technology

        B. Baking Science and Technology

Semester 4
  • Advances in Food Packaging
  • Food Product Development and Entrepreneurship
  • Food Product Development Lab
  • Major Project


The ever-growing prospect of the food industry denotes that the future scope in the industry is very high. Around 13% of the nation’s total food exports come from the food industry. There are hundreds of talents behind such contributions. 

Professionals having the right qualifications and skills are always in demand after MSc Food Technology. As it is mentioned before, trained professionals can work both in the government and private sectors. Career opportunities are usually offered in the following area:

  1. Food Manufacturing Organisations
  2. Food Research Laboratories
  3. Food Packaging Organisations
  4. Food Quality and Certification Companies
  5. Food Instruments Manufacturing Companies


Several Government organiSations like FCI (Food Corporation of India), Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), State and Central Based Food Laboratories, Ministry of Food Processing Industries, etc. recruit professionals possessing degrees in Food Technology and Food Science.


The graduates who are interested in higher studies will have different options. After pursuing MSc Food technology courses, they can go for research studies or management studies. For research studies, there are options like M.Phil in Food Science and Technology. Those who want to specialise in a specific area of study can pursue PhD in Food Technology. As a management study, MBA in Food Science and Agri-business Management would be a great option.


The following jobs can be checked to learn about various job profiles offered after MSc Food Technology:

Food Technologist

As a Food Technologist, one needs to get involved in the Food Manufacturing process, development, preparation of recipes and products etc.

Food Packaging Manager

A Food Packaging Manager manages all packaging-related tasks that include creating a packing schedule, maintaining inventory materials, maintaining the team environment etc.

Food Packaging Specialist

An individual working in this profession creates cost-effective and appropriate packaging according to the client’s requirements.

Food Production Manager

The Food Production Manager supervises the tasks of the staff involved in the Food production activities.

Quality Control Manager

Managing all the quality control aspects, preparing reports etc. are some of the activities performed by a Quality Control Manager

Purchasing Manager

A Purchasing Manager manages vendors, source equipment, develop and execute purchasing strategies and perform other related tasks.


View our 2024 MSc Food Technology Course Details and offers

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