The revolution in the field of food technology

The revolution in the field of food technology is bringing many job opportunities to the new generation

Food technology is a field of work that is revolutionizing the world in a big way.  Food technology includes various disciplines like food processing, food safety & quality assurance, food science, culinary technology, food engineering and food innovation.  The role of this industry is to develop innovative methods in food production, preservation, marketing and distribution and to ensure food safety, quality and sustainability as per global demand.

If you are aiming for a career in food technology, this article will be very useful for you.  A comprehensive picture of the industry, job opportunities, skills required, growth prospects and challenges faced by professionals in the field will be available. Get ready to be a part of the world’s largest industrial chain.    There are many job opportunities waiting for you in  various fields of food technology.  

As with the potential of career opportunities, there are a variety of positions in this field to choose from.  Let’s take a look…

Food Technologist –

This is one of the top career options after completing a food technology course. The job of a food technologist includes determining the safety of food products and generating new product ideas. The responsibility for associated legalities and the claims of quality, hygiene, and safety associated with any food product is solely taken care of by food technologists. The eligibility criteria for food technology jobs include a graduation degree in food technology, MSc food technology and MSc in food science & technology.

Food Safety & Quality Assurance Controller 

This sector focuses on ensuring that food products meet quality and safety standards.  It is the responsibility of professionals in the field to conduct quality control inspections and implement food safety protocols.  It must be constantly monitored to ensure that high standards of food safety are maintained during production processes without the occurrence of contamination.

Food Proessing Technologist –

Large scale food production and processing is part of food technology.  Food technologists in this field work to optimize production processes, improve efficiency, and maintain product quality using state-of-the-art equipment and technologies.

Product/ Process Development Scientist –

Manufacturing companies and a variety of food companies hire professionals to control and supervise the various stages and processes involved in the final output of their products. They are required to optimize manufacturing systems and their performance. While in product development, they work with the research scientists and come up with new ideas to develop the products and make scientific discoveries. Both jobs demand ideation, supervision, and keeping up with industry development data. The qualification requirements include online diploma courses, degrees, and skills in subjects such as chemical and physical sciences, horticultural sciences, applied life sciences, mechanical and production engineering courses, food science, and technology courses. An MSc in food technology or a PhD degree is not mandatory but can be beneficial.

Technical Brewer

The technical brewer’s roles and responsibilities include packaging, brewing, and marketing beer for beer factories and restaurants. Technical brewers oversee the process of brewing, maintain hygiene and safety, and take responsibility for the raw materials, technicians, and operatives. Qualification requirements include a relevant degree in biological sciences, biotechnology , applied chemistry, food processing technology or microbiology.  Also, food science & technology courses  that will teach you about distilling, brewing practices, and brewing sciences will give you an edge. Skills like business awareness, scientific knowledge related to brewing, and general management skills will be beneficial.


Do you want to make a career as a chef?  A chef is someone who cooks delicious food and captures the hearts of people.  A chef’s main job is to keep in mind the number of ingredients in the recipe, balance their quantities and add his own flair to make it not only a tasty treat but also a visual treat.  Currently, chefs need to keep up with the trend of combining freshness and health in cooking.  One can work in a restaurant, hotel, pub or on a cruise ship.  After completing MSc in Food Technology, candidates can pursue a career as chefs.  Candidates with a degree in Culinary Arts or related fields may also find this job more suitable and can intern in a hotel or restaurant or join an apprenticeship.  A chef’s salary depends on his qualifications, skills and experience.  It is also a suitable food technology job for freshers.

Meat Inspectors – 

As the name suggests, meat inspectors inspect meat and meat products such as beef, pork, seafood, poultry, and other items.  Ensure that meat processing meets standard quality assurance regulations.  Meat inspectors also ensure that cattle are disease-free before slaughter.  They ensure that unsuitable meat is destroyed.

Animal Health Technitians –

Animal health technicians are responsible for ensuring that animals used for food are healthy.  In other words, an animal health technician is similar to a nurse for humans.  They also work with veterinarians, scientists and science students.  They prepare animals, perform surgeries, administer medications, perform lab tests, and record medical histories.

Meat Scientist –

A meat scientist’s main responsibility in food technology is to apply the principles of biology, physiology and nutrition.  The responsibility also includes research and studies to come up with new ideas for breeding animals and improving the quality of meat.  They conduct research in meat science disciplines such as animal growth and development of fresh meat processed meat products.

Bakery Scientist –

The specialty of bakery scientists is researching the complexity of different types of breads such as pastries and cakes.  Researches are conducted on what bakery practices should be used using chemical principles and the feasibility of new techniques with time.

Dairy Technologist –

Developing innovative and effective methods of production, preservation and utilization of dairy products using principles of physics, chemistry, economics, engineering and bacteriology is the domain of a dairy technologist.

Farm Manager –

Farm managers must be committed to responsibly monitor and effectively maintain a farm.  Said managers are also responsible for overseeing the fertilization, planting, watering, cultivation and harvesting of crops in a crop farm.  They should supervise the general treatment of farm animals and be vigilant in disease control.

Agriculture Inspector –

The Agricultural Inspector must certify that the food received by the consumers is fit for consumption.  Logging, fishing, farming practices and food processing activities should be monitored and reported.  Agriculture inspectors are responsible for inspecting the safety measures adopted by meat processing units and ensuring their legal compliance.

Food Scientist –

A food scientist has an absolute responsibility to himself and society.  Scientists are wanted to work in research areas and projects of reputed and talented companies big and small.  Universities also hire scientists to do research or teach.  Governments and hospitals award research grants and select scientists to work on funded projects.
Professionals in this field are responsible for conducting research to explore new ingredients, processes, and technologies that can enhance food quality, safety, and sustainability. They play a critical role in driving innovation and keeping the industry at the forefront of progress

Aspire to become a well-known food scientist.

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